
Polish Foodscapes in Rotterdam: a taste of Daan van Berk’s BSc Research
What the Carnisse neighbourhood can teach us about the link between food practices and migration in Dutch cities written by MIGFOODCITY student assistant Lucia Terzuolo The Polish community represents the largest group of foreign immigrants in the Netherlands, with over 25,000 officially registered individuals in 2021 (Statista, 2022). Having noticed a concentration of Polish supermarkets…
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Reflexivity and informed consent: methodological considerations from the HERA Conference in Amsterdam
MIGFOODCITY student assistant Lucia Terzuolo (UCU) participated in the HERA Final Conference Refugee Youth, Public Space and Artistic Practice. In this blog posts, she shares what she learned about research methodologies, which she will apply to her work on the MIGFOODCITY project. Reflexivity and informed consent are some of the words that still echo into…
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Three things I learned as a student at the HERA conference on Refugee Youth, Public Space and Artistic Practice
Whilst attending the HERA Final Conference on the topic of Refugee Youth, Public Space and Artistic Practice, MIGFOODCITY research assistant Emilia Seidl participated in multiple panel sessions, a workshop and a discussion held in a world café themed setting. Here are three things she learned at the conference from a student’s perspective, which she will…
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Feeling at home in the city: foodscapes and place-making among Dutch-Moroccan residents in Utrecht
Carlijn Ligterink wrote her Bacherlor’s thesis in Human Geography on a similar topic as the MIGFOODCITY project, namely on the influence of foodscapes on place- and home-making processes of Moroccan-Dutch residents in Utrecht, with a focus on first generation immigrants. Research assistant Emilia Seidl interviewed Carlijn about her research process and findings. Emilia: In a…
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A global sense of place in Lombok through the lens of food
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